Subject About ASF

About ASF


What is ASF?

ASF is African Swine Fever, a swine epidemic caused by a virus of the Asfarviridae family, which also infects ticks of the genus Ornithodoros. Currently, ASF does not have a cure or vaccine, and the mortality rate of the acute type reaches 100%. Fortunately, ASF is not a zoonosis. Therefore, eating meat from ASF infected pigs is safe to human.



ASF virus has very strong viability. It is said that it can survive months to years in refrigerated and frozen meat, and for a long time even in salted or dried meat. The incubation period of ASF Virus is about 4 to 19 days.



ASF is mainly transmitted through secretions of virus-infected pigs and wild boars, such as saliva or feces, blood, and direct contact.



Symptom and mortality can be different according to the virulence of the virus and species of pig.


Fever, Depression, Loss of appetite, Haemorrhages in the skin, Mortality rates may be as high as 100%.

Subacute and chronic

Loss of weight, Intermittent fever, Respiratory signs, Chronic skin ulcers, Arthritis


When infected with ASF

The OIE(world organization for animal health) recommends killing as a response to African swine fever outbreaks. Europe, the United States and Japan also stipulate killing as an emergency action guideline for African swine fever outbreaks. Korea also stipulates killing is a basic principle to minimize pain and a common killing method is euthanasia.

Global outbreak

ASF is occurring in Africa, Asia and Europe in 2021. In Africa, it occurs in countries such as South Africa, Namibia, and Zambia. In Europe, it occurs in countries such as Poland, Bulgaria, and Greece, and in Asia, it occurs in countries such as China, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam and Korea.

Figure1 Global ASF outbreak status

Source: OIE World Organisation for Animal Health


How to prevent ASF

It is necessary to check the countries where African swine fever is occurring and refrain from visiting livestock farms when traveling to that country. In addition, all vehicles entering and leaving the farm must be disinfected before and after entering the farm, and the access of outsiders to the farm must be controlled, and the farm must be sterilized periodically.

